mercredi 17 juin 2015

Tn Pas Cher 3

I originally put together this article for people who were looking for jobs in South Africa, but the methods are valid in America and the UK as well.

Anyway, here are 8 ideas to you help you in your job search.

1) Don Not Just Mail Resumes

The job isn't going to just to you. Blindly sending off resumes and surfing the internet never works. You need to personally visit the companies you want to work for. Ask for ten minutes to introduce yourself to the boss. This is where the real connection happens. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you get out there.

2) Patience is Extremely Important

Most job searches can take 3-5 months, so be ready to work hard. There Tn Requin will be a lot of rejections and even more unreturned emails and phone calls. Don't give up. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you exercise patience.

3) You Must Be Disciplined

Pretend that your job search is a full time job. The majority people spend only 4-6 hours a week on the job hunt, and most of that time is spent wasting time on the internet. You should treat each and every day a work day and focus on job searching. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you are disciplined.

4) Watch the Job Market

It's important to know who is hiring. Don't spend your precious time researching a company that is downsizing. Decide which companies and industries are expanding, then focus your efforts in these areas. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you watch the job market.

5) Visit as Many Companies as You Can

Plan to visit as many companies as possible while job searching. Many believe that most people will interview between 10 and 40 times before a job is secured. Do you want to visit one company a week, or ten companies a week? Jobs in South Africa can be found if you interview with multiple companies.

6) Don't Be Overly Proud

You may have Air Max 90 to take a temporary job, and it might be something you don't really want to do for the rest of your life. But, if you can commit at least one year, and no other opportunities have presented themsleves, then you might want to take the job so you can add to your resume, bring in some money, and remain relevant in the marketplace. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you're willing to be flexible.

7) You Must to Network

Let everyone know that you are searching for a job. Your friends, your family, fellow churchgoers... The vast majority of high paying, high quality jobs are awarded because of a referral from an employee within the company. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you network.

8) You Must Remain Marketable in Your Field

Attend professional seminars and conferences. Go to lectures. Take a universiy or continuing education class. Join a professional organization. Get involved in online forums related to your career field. Keep track of all these things. Employers will be impressed. Jobs in South Africa can be found if you remain marketable.

While you're looking for a job, think about starting a home business to bring in some extra money. Here are some ideas.

1) Make and sell candles, arts and crafts - Show your creativity. A great business for homemakers. A low cost of entry. Offers a decent income. These activities have Nike Tn been proven to lower your blood pressure.

2) Child care - Great if you have kids. Low cost startup. Be sure to take a CPR class. A great option for homemakers.

3) Medical transcription - Good idea if your English is strong. Doctors outsource a lot. There's a growing need for the service. You don't need much equipment. All you need is a computer and an internet connection. Only good if you can handle staring.

4) Accounting - You can choose your own hours. Awesome if you like to do calculations. Can provide good wages. Clients are often very loyal. You may have to visit your clients at the office every once in a while. Very well respected occupation.

5) Catering - Awesome if you really like to entertain. Wonderful if you like to cook. Most work is done at home. Can pay very well, especially if you do a formal event.

6) Making and selling gift baskets - Let your creativity shine. Wonderful business for homemakers. A low cost of startup. You could grow this into a big business. These activities have been proven to bring down your stress!

7) Medical billing - Awesome if you have an accounting background. Can create good income. Inexpensive to start. A big demand exists for this service.

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