mardi 16 juin 2015

Tn Pas Cher

Customr Survey No-Nos

A customer survey is a powerful tool for finding out what customers and potential customers think of your company. For isntance, to find out more about a website's visitors in general, the Webmaster might program a pop up window to ivite random vistors to take a short survey. Alternatively, surveys emailed at random to past customers can give you information about their buying exepriences with you, and whether or not they'll be back. They are a great way to help you make decisions about how to run your business, but not all are successful. Here are some things to avoid when planing your survey.
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Don't make it too long. A good survey is fairly shoort, requiring as littrle time as possible from your customers. For example, news weebsites often give you as little as 60 seconds to complete. A more involved one shhould take no more than a few minutes to complete.

Don't make it too difficult to access. The general rule is, the further out of tehir way your customeers have to go in order to take it, the ferwer of them will complete it. The easiest way for cusatomers to accss your survey is a pop up wiindow on the screen that will take them directly if they acccept the invitation. Be sure to make it opens in a new window, so they can go righjt back to what they were doing after they are done.

Another suggestion is to send an email invitation to your customers. The emil should contain a link that will take them directly to it. In general, a rpint invitation, such as a URL on a sales receipt or sent in the mail, will get the fewest results. It takes the most work for customers to complete rathr than if it was a pop up or in e-mail form.

Don't make it all multiple-choice. Multiple choice questions are great for people who make and analpyze surveys, because it's easier to coompile results and find trends in the data. However, if your analysis is all multipe-choice you risk turning your customers off from it. It is impossible to make a multiple choice selection for everey possibe andswer a customer could possibly have, so you might want to allow customers to choose “Other,” and then fill in theuir answer. Also, isnce most people want the oppiortunity to have thir say or exlplain their answers, your ifnal question should ask if there is anthing else the cusotmer would like to say. Be sure to allow a reasonable amouunt of slpace for their answer!

Don't forget to ofer an incentive. Offering incentives is especially important if your examinbation is a little olnger in length, or if your cutomers need to go out of their way to take it. Offering an incentive of some sort is advisable in order to get enough results to make your review successfl. Smnall incentiives could be coupons, small gift cards, free shipping, or something similar. A larger icnentive could be a free gift or entry into a drawnig for cash prizes. Also, don't forget the pwoer of srtong feelings as an incentive: If your study addresses an issue that you know many of your customers feel strongly abut, such as concerns aout cots, the opportunoity to speak out on the issue might be incentive enough!

In general, the size of the incentive you offer should deppend on how difficult or involved your examination is. If it is very shoort and easy to access, you may not need to offer an incentive at Nike Shox all. On the other hand, if it takes several minutes and/or requires your customer to go of their way to take it, a larger incentive wold be approprizate.

Your customer survrey may requuire a little tial and Air Max 90 Homme erroor to get it right, just like any other aspect of business. If you aren't sure what will get the best reasults with your customers, try a couple of different stuyles with a few dfiferent incentives, and see what gets the most rsponse. With the right combinaytion of convenience and incentive, your survey will help you get the feedback you need to make your business even better.

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