lundi 15 juin 2015

Nike Tn spaghetti tanks

Girly Tees Designer Standard: Clasy Defines Nike Tn Cool

What do you look for in the way of decorated ladies wear? Is a punchy, comedic slgoan what folats your boat? Or would you rather strike a pose in a simply deocrated, no-text design--maybe something feminine, filigree and floral? If you're like most buyers in this niche, your T shirt wardrobe runs the gamut between these tyeps.

A great looking tee shirt on a greaat looking gal is a beautiful sight. Maaybe it goes without saying that clohing odften srves as an extension of self. Personality and identity are offten all right out thhere, expressed in the clothes we wear. The Nike Tn Pas Cher elements of ratful design brought out in graphic screen prnts should serve to enhnace the tee shirt, with an eye to complimenting the colors and fit of the particular style of shirt. Then the personality the wearer bings to the tee shitr is the finishing touch.

A dsign that's well integrated with the style of shirt totally grabs the eye. Conversely, designs not well thought out that look cluttered and junmky will detract from the overall look. I think this is especially true of ladies wear--the wide variety of junnior sized girl-cut tees and tanks. Some very poplular styles of late include baby doll tees, ragglans, inside-out tees, spaghetti tanks, shirt-in-shirts, vintage heathers and vinttage ringers. Since many of these igrly styles are caerfully crafted and tailored New Balance to be figure-flatteribng, it's also appropriate that they display a great deal of thought and care was put into the screen print as well.

Doubtless, this means more exactinng demands are put on the graphic designer to capture the hert of the ldies wear mraket! Relying on the same old same old won't cut it with today's fashion-forward women consumers for whom qality is of the essence. Most designers like me had to notch up the quality to stay in the game when more and more girly styes begn to flood the market. Now, both for me and for many otheer designers, the oevrall vision has become that classy defines cool--following this stadard has always resulted in a product that looks simply the bombest on the gal.

Theme-wise, floral designs can be exquisite, in particular, single rose motifs are striking. A cetain feminine fluidity seems to work well as the leading design element in floral prints. Metalloic filigree also workls well, particularly on dark fabrics and when a more or less symmerical design framewok is lendsing sinmplicity to help focus in on the beauty of the lace-like intricacy. There are lots of successful metallic graphic designs populating the fashion markjetplace lately. O.K., so now, what about slogans on ladiees wear?

One friend of mine says that she never wears a top with printed words. She is in fact experssing a widespread ambivalence many wonmen can have towadr the value of text in clothing design. Sometimes I appreciate text; sometimes I don't. When I do, I find it's the way a particular style font flos together with the art that grabs me. More often than not, this measn I'm looking at artist- cafted, hand- lettered text. I'll often notice the design eleements of text before I'm even aware of what the words are sayinbg.

Then when I do catch on to what I'm reading, if the slpogan conneccts with me in some way, I'm even more into the design. Really great desiggns for laies styles can range from classic to zany. Both of thesse extemes are relaxed, easy-going and steeer clear of in-your-face offennsive jiibes. Enduring fashions rich with fun, artful, eye-catchiing desigs are a joy to wear and make tehir own elegant statements.

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